For Tenants & Businesses

Not all land use entitlement is for development. We handle the entire process for conditional use permits, plan approvals and permits that hotels, bars, restaurants require as well as institutional tenants such as churches and schools.

For Tenants & Businesses

Not all land use entitlement is for development. We handle the entire process for conditional use permits, plan approvals and permits that hotels, bars, restaurants require as well as institutional tenants such as churches and schools.
by Matt Goulet

Analysis & Feasibility

Two properties that appear the same may have radically different land use regulations and characteristics which mean widely different regulations. Our analysis and feasibility reports are critical to uncover value and avoiding pitfalls early and before significant funds are committed to a project.

Due Diligence / Land Use Evaluation

Every property is unique. We evaluate as many as three dozen land use attributes, any of which may have a significant impact on your land use, tenant or business. Looking beyond obstacles, we also investigate opportunities and incentives that could realize value for a new project or use.

Entitlement Strategy

“How do I get my project entitled?” Land use entitlements can create value for a project, but there may be more than one way to achieve your goal. We evaluate the property, review similar & precedent cases, and research alternative approaches to determine the optimum land use solution, providing estimates of the cost, timeframe and likelihood of approval.

Entitlement Processing and Expediting

Land use entitlements aren’t only necessary for some land uses, they can add value for tenants.

Conditional Use Permits

Many commonly desired uses are not prohibited nor approved outright, but they may be approved subject to certain conditions. The Conditional Use Permit (often abbreviated as “CUP” or “CU”) are usually required for hotels, schools, churches and alcohol establishments. In other cases, they are required for special permission to exceed a certain size, operate in a certain manner or exceed other limits that require conditioned approval.

Director’s Determinations, CDO Permits and Design Review Board approvals

Special overlays and districts that are not as formal as a Specific Plan require a Director’s Determination that usually does not require a public hearing. These entitlements are commonly needed for Community Design Overlays, Pedestrian Oriented Districts, Streetscape Overlays and some Design Review Board approvals for businesses, tenants and signage. Urbanomics understands how to meet the needs of these districts and design overlays while getting the most out of the design review process.

Zoning Administrator Determinations (ZAD)

Various entitlements are required for special permission to alter a use or a dimension of a project but don’t fit neatly into the other categories. The City of LA has these, so called, Zoning Administrators Adjustments that are similar to Conditional Use Permits but often have less stringent public noticing requirements and less onerous conditions.

Coastal Development Permits (CDPs)

The California Coastal Commission regulates development along the coastline and within 1000 feet of certain waterways and is primarily concerned about public access to the beach, both in terms of visitors and in terms of opportunities for residents. The result is that projects near the ocean often need approvals from both the City and the Coastal Commission. Urbanomics works closely with the cities and the Coastal Commission to get projects approved in a practical manner.

Minor Permit & Major Permit Processing

Various cities in California distinguish between processing “Major Permits” from “Minor Permits”. They may be types of Conditional Use Permits or they may be for variations and adjustments. We work closely with Planning Departments and Community Development Departments to get through the red tape efficiently and successfully so you can get your project or business moving forward.

Project Representation & Community Relations

Successful land use approvals depend upon good communication with the community, the City departments, elected officials and the official decision makers. Urbanomics is your representative through the land use entitlement process from research to outreach and from Neighborhood Council meetings to each public hearing.
